Monday, November 21, 2011

Perfect week to show Gratitude

Thanksgiving week is the perfect time to reflect on our blessings.  Gratitude just happens to be one of my favorite words.  Wouldn't life be filled with more smiles if we showed gratitude every month of the year (not just November)? The story below is actually from a mini-marathon over a year ago. I stumbled across it this morning, and I thought it was a perfect fit for a week filled with thoughts of Thanksgiving!

I truly am grateful for the opportunity to share a passion of running with family and so many friends.  I took advice from other runners, and decided to give “Gratitude Bands” a try at a recent Mini.  I used a Sharpie on wide rubber-bands, and wrote 1 “grateful thought” on 13 different bands.  As I approached the start line, I had 13 rubber-bands on my left wrist.  Each mile marker I crossed provided me the opportunity to transfer 1 rubber-band from my left wrist to my right.  This simple process kept my mind focused, my face smiling, and my feet moving from 1 mile to the next.  As a 10:00 minute-miler, I had (on average) a precious 10 minutes to dwell on 13 different wonderful reasons why I am grateful.  The bands ended up faded from sweat, but the words written on each Gratitude Band meant something very special.  I open my heart to yours as I share all 13 of my Gratitude Bands from the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon on 5/8/10.  Each band represents so much to me, the 13 things for which I am MOST GRATFUL:
1.      My family’s health
2.      Christ’s forgiveness
3.      My upbringing
4.      Dad’s wisdom
5.      Opportunity to coach
6.      Yoga
7.      My “Pia” time (truly my ME time)
8.      Flowers
9.      My siblings
10.  Mike’s love & encouragement
11.  My physical strength
12.  Bryce 
13.  Colin

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